About 124FPS

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and know more about our evil plans.

Hardware and specs

Everything is running on first gen Intel Core i9 9900KF, so single core performance is adorable here.
With classic setup of SATA3 SSD drives it gives nice read and write speeds, so servers never struggle with giving you information as fast as possible.

Game servers

My servers running on Windows Server 2022 with last updates and all available monitoring tools, so you will never experience crashes, while playing (no promise lol).

Why that fancy page exists?

I'm using my own hardware to host some game servers for my friends and people, who is looking for fun play. Also there is other personal things. It's not commertial project, sometimes it could not work and I'm not earning anything from this, so please be patient and don't be rude.

Also my name is Daniel and I'm professional clown.



For each server available at default with opportunity to make more.

95 %


Or idk, I didn't count and I can break something any time anyway :)


CPU Cores

For each server instance.

8 GB


Sometimes overkill, sometimes not enough.